Fitness centar spes Fitness centar spes

group fitness class

One weight is all it takes. Delete distraction and zero in on results with a next-generation HIIT weight training class that strips your training to the core.

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personal trainer

One weight is all it takes. Delete distraction and zero in on results with a next-generation HIIT weight training class that strips your training to the core.

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transformation process

One weight is all it takes. Delete distraction and zero in on results with a next-generation HIIT weight training class that strips your training to the core.

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Fitnes centar Spes

Fitness Rijeka

Dobrodošli u SPES – moderno opremljen centar oblikovanja tijela, namijenjen ženama. Naš centar je otvoren još 2013. godine i od početka se fokusiramo na treniranje isključivo ženske populacije bez obzira na fizičku spremu i životnu dob.  Nije bitno da li vam je cilj smršaviti, ojačati ili ukloniti bol na određenim mjestima.  Bilo da ste običan rekreativac koji želi poboljšati svoje zdravlje i promjeniti svoj životni stil ili ste profesionalni sportaš kojem treba kondicijska priprema ili rehabilitacija. Tu smo za vas.  Nalazimo se na Trsatu između pizzerie Pampas, groblja i kafića ‘Relax’.

girl run
Fitnes centar Spes

Fitness Rijeka

Dobrodošli u SPES – moderno opremljen centar oblikovanja tijela, namijenjen ženama. Naš centar je otvoren još 2013. godine i od početka se fokusiramo na treniranje isključivo ženske populacije bez obzira na fizičku spremu i životnu dob.  Nije bitno da li vam je cilj smršaviti, ojačati ili ukloniti bol na određenim mjestima.  Bilo da ste običan rekreativac koji želi poboljšati svoje zdravlje i promjeniti svoj životni stil ili ste profesionalni sportaš kojem treba kondicijska priprema ili rehabilitacija. Tu smo za vas.  Nalazimo se na Trsatu između pizzerie Pampas, groblja i kafića ‘Relax’.


Zbog ograničenog broja mjesta i očuvanju kvalitete treninga, naš centar prima rezervacije. Rezervirajte unaprijed dan i vrijeme koji vam odgovaraju za trening. Svoj trening prilagodite vašim obavezama i načinu života. Termin se uvijek može prebaciti ili otkazati ako dode do promjena u vašem privatnom rasporedu.

zašto odabrati spes

SPES vam nudi individualan pristup treningu, bez obzira na program koji odaberete, u potpuno mirnom i sigurnom okruženju. Većina ženske populacije se ne snalazi dobro u većim teretanama s puno sprava, rekvizita i ljudi. Mi nudimo rješenje. Svaka žena, bila ona početnica ili iskusna vježbačica zaslužuje da trenira u miru, bez brige i straha da ju netko gnjavi, promatra ili osuđuje. U našem centru nudimo sigurno, opušteno i zabavno okruženje gdje trenirate, učite, pomičete vaše granice i stvarate blizak odnos s vašim trenerom.


This is only a some little the things of the affiliate when exercising at Pearker Fitness. They also have many difficulties when
losing weight or gaining weight for a long time, but with the companion of Spearker


Being a healthy weight means not being under or overweight. A BMI of 20-25 is considered healthy for most adults. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

BMI Weight Status
Below 18.5 Underweight Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 Normal Underweight
25.0 - 29.9 Overweight Underweight
30.0 and Above Obese Underweight
BMR Metabolic Rate / BMI Body Mass Index

Based on the data you gave us, your BMI is: , the total energy expended for someone your stature is Kcal (BMR), this is the calories your body needs per day just to survive (Energy for the brain and bodily functions), taking into account your physical activity, you will need Kcal (TDEE) perday, this is the calories your body needs per day to maintain your weight.

To achieve your goal we recommend Kcal per day.


We recommend g of protein, g of fat, and g of carbohydrates.

Aim for a ratio of 1/3 saturated fat (meat, milk, etc), and 2/3 unsaturated fat (fish, avocado, coconut milk)


This also meant we needed to provide a learning environment run by experienced and successful coaches. However, our most
important goal was to create a welcoming atmosphere.


Find the class you are looking for quickly and conveniently, Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting
industry. the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
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pricing table

This also meant we needed to provide a learning environment run by experienced and successful coaches. However, our most
important goal was to create a welcoming atmosphere.


$ 120 / per month
  • Unlimited access to the gym
  • 7 classes per week
  • Six Month memberships
  • FREE drinking package
  • 20 sessions Free Massage
  • 3 Month Free personal training


$ 180 / per month
  • Unlimited access to the gym
  • 7 classes per week
  • Six Month memberships
  • FREE drinking package
  • 20 sessions Free Massage
  • 3 Month Free personal training


$ 250 / per month
  • Unlimited access to the gym
  • 7 classes per week
  • Six Month memberships
  • FREE drinking package
  • 20 sessions Free Massage
  • 3 Month Free personal training


Još nisi sigurna ili uvjerena da je Spes centar mjesto gdje želiš trenirati? Prijavi se i dođi na prvi probni trening s trenerom, potpuno besplatno!


    +385 99 790 2071
    Slavka Krautzeka 64,
    Rijeka, Hrvatska
    08:00 - 22:00 ( ponedjeljak - petak )
    08:00 - 22:00 , 16:00 - 20:00 ( subota )

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